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"Here are 5 songs that can heal your body"

There are many cherished elements that enrich our lives. We are grateful for family, friends, good health, good food, happiness, and numerous other rudiments of rapture that make life a blissful journey. However, pain is not on that list of good things. Suffering through unpleasantries, whether physical, mental, or emotional, is draining and detrimental to our overall well being. Suffering makes living a drudgery rather than a joy.

Consequently, there are many quick fixes that can temporarily remove or blot out the symptoms of a malady. Unfortunately, most of them are pain management strategies, not cures. People who are suffering might be thankful for any moment of relief as even the briefest respite can be a much-welcomed flash of paradise, but what they are really seeking is something permanent.

The Los Angeles-based band, White Sun, is working to provide exactly that kind of healing.

If you consider that every condition of the body or mind, every thought, every problem, vibrates at a specific frequency, then you quickly realize that one of the easiest and most powerful ways to override any negative frequency is with a positive one. Employing the right mantra can provide that positive, healing frequency. Most often we think of chanting mantras, but listening to a recording works just as well. You don’t have to meditate, or do yoga, or stand on your head, just press play and you’re done. No other effort is required.

Following are five tracks from White Sun’s exquisite self-titled release along with the effect these songs/mantras will have on your body and spirit:

Sat Nam


Ra Ma Da Sa

Guru Ram Das

Ardas Choir

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