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Review: White Sun II

White Sun and Fiona Joy have touched me. While Fiona's Joy's joyous layers of sweet Australian musical landscape are distinct from White Sun's contemplative yogic mantra interpretations, both engender their New Age offerings with a gorgeous truth. I submit, you can not sing nor devise music of such ethereal substance without truly being one with the music. It is too sweet. It is too beautiful. These are not things that can be devised in a public relations firm. These are talents that transcend time, and embrace our souls, if we so choose to acknowledge their gifts. Both artists make me sigh just a little bit. Both bring a temporary well of tears. Here, pettiness and cruelty are left behind, and the best of what a human being can be is revealed.

While both artists have achieved numerous, well-deserved accolades, it is their touch to the individual's mind that I value as a listener. For in the end, artist or not, it is what touches us that matters. And it is only those that have the technical skill coupled with a willingness to expose their own truth as artists that have the best chance of touching us all.

For Fiona, there is something about the persuasive manner in which she plays the keyboards, with a sound of personal resilience and strength that is undeniable, and I appreciate deeply as a woman. From her latest album "Signature Synchronicity", her track Ceremonyfor its exquisite piano, Grace's melodic vocals and accompaniment, and the journey that is Invisible Train are recommendations.

In regard to White Sun, their latest album, simply titled "White Sun II", Gurujas' vocals evoke the band's persona - all white with ethereal light behind - an angelic visual that most would struggle. But not for this band. The band's audio ascent is undeniable. If there is a desire to portray the yogi's discipline of "personalities are not bound to earth," leading to thoughts that float off on a wisp of a thought, the entire album is just that. Adam Berry's arrangements with support from Harijiwan, including his use of stunning percussion, provide the subtle yet unabashed template for the rise and fall of the mediations. Gobinday Mukunday, Chakkra Varti and Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur are personal favorites.

Why does this matter to me, these soulful incantations ? I have a confession to make: as a single mother of three driving a somewhat eclectic career in counterterrorism and national security forward in Washington D.C, I have traditionally been the one in yoga class where the ending mediation was simply an enhanced opportunity for the quiet of my body to push the energy to my brain, ramping up the cycles of stress and admitted neurosis that runs across work, family and relationships. There is something about trying to keep terrorists out of your country, and identify those within, that is not exactly conducive to hipster-style free thinking and yogi meditation. Remember Harry S. Truman stated, “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.” After 18 years in Washington DC, our 33rd President remains more correct today than I wish he were. For years, my poetry has been my solace. But I admit, it is not always enough.

I thought it best to conclude by having both artists speak for themselves. From both New Age artists websites, the following:

Fiona Joy "is nick-named The Piano Angel, not just for her romantic, melodic songs and lush arrangements, but also for her gracious and mesmerizingly ballet-like performance style in concert. It’s a style that will serve her new album well, considering it is inspired by modern-day fairytales. A prolific composer, she has always been interested in creating music that evokes images, emotions and stories."

"White Sun is a Los Angeles-based band known for its pioneering musical interpretations of yogic mantras. These are the songs of yogis sung with a penetrating vibratory musicality that enhance consciousness and awareness while delighting the senses. White Sun's music emphasizes the healing vibrations of mantra through the clear, profound lead vocals of Gurujas. Band members Harijiwan and two-time Emmy winner Adam Berry serve up the richly layered, rhythmic foundation that takes listeners beyond the every day realm to a place of inspired, energized experience."

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